Hello Terry
Just letting you know I finish my book late last night, it was so moving enjoyed the read you must be very proud to have written an amazing story.

Lots of Love Pamela ( Doncaster )

Pamela - 04/01/2011
Hello Terry,

What a good read, I live in Gravesend and couldn't believe it when I got to the bit about you visiting last year, I only found your book by luck one night surfing and thought that sound a interesting, had some late night reading just to get to the next bit. Many Thanks for sharing your stories, the twists and turns, happy and not so happy times.love the "What If's" as reminded me about the chats I've had with work mates when traveling on trips, talking about the crossroads of life etc / What If I never stumbled across you book as its really made me think about old times and deferent roads I've been up. To be honest I find it difficult to put into words how much I enjoyed reading the book,

Just decided to re-read encase I missed some gossip.
Dave Francis - 14/10/2010
Hi Terry,

I completed your book a couple of weeks ago and have really enjoyed reading about your life.

It was great to relive your times with Black Lace such as the countless local gigs, stories from your residency at Butlins, the tours both in this country and on the continent and the song for Europe, Eurovision & subsequent public events & TV work. Despite my band sadly only enjoying a fraction of the success of Black Lace I do have similar memories which helped me relate to your stories even more.

I also enjoyed reading about your childhood and your youth and the events leading up to the formation of Black Lace and also the times you have enjoyed with Stormer and Mister Twister since leaving Black Lace.

I have to say though some of the stories from your personal life have been just as exciting as those from the different bands. From the happy times to the sad the times, through your different relationships, homes, friends, holidays, DIY projects! and of course tracking down and meeting your biological father.

Finally I forgot to ask you what the word count was for the book? It is a large book but as it follows a good structure the story flows well which not only kept me interested but allowed me to put the book down and pick it back up again without losing the rhythm of the story too much.

I would defiantly recommend the book, especially to anyone from the Wakefield area or to anyone who enjoys playing/going to watch live music.



Andy Hollings - 14/10/2010
Hello Terry

Can I say I loved reading your life story...what a good read, loved everything? The photos and stories bring back some great memories of clubland in Wakefield. Take care and hope to see you around town one day...

Love to all Julie xxx
Julie - 12/08/2010
Hi Terry

Been meaning to email you for months, but as usual, I'm slow to get around to things. I finished your book ages ago, what a brilliant read, I felt like I could have been there with you some of the time. Hope you're getting on with the next one, I'm looking forward to another good read. Luv to all, Mo and John xx
Mo & John - 06/07/2010
John Coulson commented on your book.

John Coulson - 12/06/2010
Well done Terry, this is a great tribute to the band...Congratulations...
Mags - 05/05/201
I'm halfway through the book ( slow reader ) but enjoying it immensely.
Margaret Moore - 05/05/2010
About your book. Via Facebook.

Got it, Reading it, its fantastic, go out and treat yourself you'll not regret it.
Margaret Moore x - 24/04/2010
About your book. Via Facebook.

GOT LIKED LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sally Eades xx - 24/04/2010
Roger Auty commented on your book via Facebook.

Roger Auty - 23/04/2010
I went on your website yesterday and had to agree with all the comments made by other readers, I found the book compulsive reading, I read it in 2 days, no housework got done! They do say we all have a life story to tell, but it takes some time and patience to do it, so well done you.

June & Bruce Nottingham
June & Bruce - 23/4/2010
I just had to let you know how very much I enjoyed your book. I only read in bed and on quite a few nights it was well after 1.30 am before I put out the light, wanting to know what happened next. I wish Rob could have read it, I could just see him shaking his head at the naughty bits, but with a grin on his face.
P.S I thought I was the only person who had visited Sopot in Poland until I read your book…

Love and very best wishes… June & Rob
June & Rob - 24/3/2010
Your book is super, the only thing is once I start reading I can’t put it down, and so that leaves Den doing all the extra work. Love to all Dora Gravesend x
Dora - 21/3/2010
Your book is super, the only thing is once I start reading I can’t put it down, and so that leaves Den doing all the extra work. Love to all Dora Gravesend x
Dora - 21/3/2010
Your book, And then came Agadoo…

I've just finished reading it Terry, thoroughly enjoyed it, thought it got better and better. Looking forward to the next episode. Sue x
Sue - 20/3/2010
Just finished reading your book…wow did it bring back memories they all came flooding back. I was there with you living the years as you had written them, thanks so much, a great read.
Elaine Schofield xx - 9/3/2010
Just a few words - loved the book, as I said, I read it in a week, now one of John's mates has nabbed it - I should have made him buy his own It was a great read- who knows is the next one in the pipeline or are you too exhausted after the first 57 years LOL !
Gill xxxx - 7/3/2010
Congratulations I finished the book! I think you are very clever to write a volume like that, some parts sad some parts funny. Griffin says I will be able to go on Master Mind, subject, "the life and times of Terry Dobson" I really did enjoy it. I hope the book does well for you. Love to all Dot & Griff ... Liverpool
Dot & Griff - 3/3/2010
Finished the book last night - really enjoyed the read. Just to recap on a couple of things that didn't sink in first time round. I found myself thinking 'yeh, I remember that'.
R.Auty - 25/2/2010
I have been taking the spare time to read some of your book though, didn't we have a good childhood, I remember sitting on that bridge to get 'steamed' by the engines, great fun, we used to watch the trains from our garden, Mum used them as a clock (they run to time then) This book is no ordinary book for me, it's part of my past too, I find myself reading pages over and over again, just to remember people and places. Oh well, back to the housework now, wait a minute, I'm not well; I'll just have to have a coffee and 'read' instead, what a shame. Luv Mo xx
Maureen Wooler - 25/2/2010
Hope your well, yes I have been reading. The book is great. It was a bit strange reading it as I was reading about my life as well as yours and it brought back some many good memories. It’s a great tribute to the band that should have gone further as a four piece. Even Steve should be proud of what you have done, and I know Alan will be looking down with a smile, now he knows about the ‘White caravan in Skegness’… Keep in touch mate & well done Col x
Col - 25/2/2010
Tears n Laughter n everything in between, a bloody good read...well done Terry! xx
Susan Walker Scott - 24/2/2010
Dam good read Terry enjoyed every minute of it ...well done!
Chris Mcdonagh - 24/2/2010
Haven’t quite finished the book yet, how do you remember all the fine details? I'm enjoying it, glad you wrote it, glad I bought it. Sue x
Susan Neville - 24/2/2010
It's Mick Taylor here late of WMDC Building Services Dept, Normanton. You may recall that I recently purchased a copy of your work, "And Then Came Agadoo". Well, just to say I have just finished it and would like congratulate you on a wonderful "read". Your telling of your story was very interesting, and at times, very touching. I don't know how you managed to devote the time to preparing the works bearing in mind all the other diversions that were there for you. Once again I really enjoyed the book, and quite honestly, could not put it down once I'd started reading.
Mick Taylor - 24/2/2010
Received the book Saturday morning- thanks very much, I am up to chapter 14 already, housework’s gone to pot, can't put the book down, John is so pleased with you. Hope you are well, see you soon. Regards Brenda
Brenda - 21/2/2010
Loving the book Terry, it's lovely to read about all the places we used to play when we were kids, the Devils Arch and the Old Railway Bridge. Can't believe you raided the same orchard as us no wonder there were never many pears!! Still reading..........
Susan Neville - 12/2/2010
Just read the first chapter, very sad, must have been hard for you to write that. I'm looking forward to reading the rest. Love Sue x
Susan Neville - 7/2/2010
I have waited a few days to make sure I used the right words to tell you how much I loved your book. So much so, that I hated finishing it. I wanted more and more. I felt like a 'fly on the wall' as I read chapter after chapter. My God, you have had to come through so much, it proves your depth of character and just how strong you are on the inside to have been able to pick yourself up time and time again, especially with the tragic loss of Tricia. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your book, a beautiful gift and one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I am proud to know you and I hope your book will surpass your expectations. God Bless, Mel
Mel - 27/1/2010